Saturday, June 2, 2012

Orioles Jerseys there are a series of one-time grant

I come down to earth and your dad to go. Such as parents left, the real M1b climb in bed, thinking about the future road how to get real M1b now summed up its own advantages, the conclusion that the four: , he is back from Liang Qianling 2007, central government policy on agriculture can be said to know in advance of the Third, he is now master of the life of this only auxiliary, have inherent advantages in agriculture fourth, that is, location, and your own home is the mountains, barren hills and more, but that before the village of deforestation caused by the later understanding of land on the surface of the mountain, although sand and gravel more, but under the sand 20 cm soil layer, to the time if Hill is able to package down, definitely have a future. Here, real M1b of the heart's active, he began to recall the central government policy on agriculture, remember that the central policy of Returning Farmland to Forest in 2099 from the now nearly two years, remember that the Government of returning farmland to attached considerable importance to forest policy, especially in the Yangtze River and Yellow River Basin, and to his hometown just in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, is the national focus on the implementation of farmland policy, if you remember correctly, the country was on the Yangtze River Valley farmland The subsidy is three hundred pounds per acre of grain, of years of ecological forest compensation for eight years,Orioles Jerseys, the per acre cash subsidy is $ 20, there are a series of one-time grant, such as seedlings and reforestation costs, per acre of 50 yuan, as farmland households no longer pay agricultural tax, if at that time a one-time package on multiple hills, and then rely on their own life energy, does not want the rich do not, the question now is how to persuade his father not farming, this'll have think about the job, just before the introduction of central reform agricultural tax policy to the 2,000 in the agricultural tax restructuring before the farmers of the tax is high, why not in this respect persuasion to persuade his father?
Long as they can to persuade his father to be able to put down arable land to engage in forestry on the line, now as father to the first contract of a mountain to engage in under the pilot, when rapid growth, the father would not oppose.
Afternoon, the farm was done, the mother again and again repeated the previous labor, or slaughtered pigs came in from the grass, do dinner after slaughter. Watching mother worked hard to do all the housework, the real M1b heart burst of sad own past life, especially the thought of 45-year-old mother that looks almost sixty, at that time the family owed a large debt, those debts are for their own reading owed, when the home annual revenues of only two thousand dollars! parents day and night,Brewers Jerseys, pawing the ground and soil, as is the debt, it really drag themselves each time and the father the phone, my father always sentence hanging in the mouth, and that : the future, take a wife. Looked at the mother stooped figure, think of the scene of the past, real M1b in the eyes full of mist. Suddenly, the mother turned around, looked at his son straight

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