Wednesday, May 30, 2012

NFL Caps the eyes gradually lost ...

And walked to the middle of the crowd.
Chu students, come on! While the rest of the students to cast a sympathetic eyes, but there are more, but it is gloating eyes.
Chu Galaxy slightly Huang Jingru trio nodded his head, indifferent smile.
Immediately, without warning, Chu Galaxy stature as suddenly as the flick of the snake in his mouth shouted, Sound mellowed long, completely unlike his usual pronunciation, so that everyone in the room, heard the sound from within the heart can not help but shocked, mind and eyes, all focused.
A series of strange notes from the mouth of Chu Galaxy jumped out, no one can listen to understand what he sing, but the spirit of all, but all firmly focused on his body, no one even a little bit distraction, and that a strong note awesome feeling, as well as that very mellow and full penetration of the sound ...
Leaving all the investment, his stature kind of highly rhythmic twist tie on his first no one understood music, but it gave people a feeling of a kind of dream.
Gradually, Chu Galaxy's stature among the crowd's attention becomes more and more light until it completely disappeared, and reappeared, lush trees, mountains, wildflowers; ears to hear, is a forest between birds children clear and pleasant voice; even to breathe the early morning of that extremely pure and fresh air.
They seemed to feel a strong sense of life, feel a strive for power,NFL Caps, a tenacious, people can not resist the will of life!
That they had never seriously to think about, never had feelings!
Huang Jingru the eyes do not know when a tear, she did not understand this song, but she seems to listen to from the inside out is a force!
Liu Chuang stunned, shocked to live, the eyes gradually lost ...
Chu Galaxy is ready to speak, suddenly sounded a loud voice, all students are at the same time to cast a thumb!
Liu Chuang complex eyes looking at Chu Galaxy, his earlier performances, not to mention the beautiful song, just moving dazzling dance, they have overcome him, one chip!
Looked at these juvenile Chu Galaxy face floated the hint of a smile from the heart, is really a group of sweet and innocent child, their emotions are written on the face, and they live together, really relaxed and happy!
Unfortunately, this day, but do not know how long, Chu Galaxy a slight sigh, everyone has something everyone should do, everyone has different people in life way to go down.
Galaxy Chu know, his life, and they do not intersect, and their not the same world, it has been, he never did not go thought to

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